‘The Cloud Farm’

Kapchorua is our highest altitude farm at close to 7,000 feet above sea level and is bordered by a steep slope overlooking the tea fields. The dark reddish soils of the valley and slow growth of the tea bushes produce a bright edge to the colour of the teas and give a strong sculpted taste.


The high altitude slopes of Kapchorua produce a bright brisk tea, with a strong robust liquor, perfect to stimulate and awaken the body and mind.
Brisk with the distinctive Nandi brightness


Equatorial with fresh light mornings and afternoon rainstorms that hug the high ridgelines.


Bateleur Eagles, Sacred Ibis, Africa Mocker Swallowtail Butterflies and Wetland Orchids.


Dusty red ‘Kenyan Earth’ soils with a rich topsoil lying on top of igneous rocks.
“Our volcanic soils, unique micro-climates and specialist farming practices all contribute to the distinctive terroir of our high grown teas”
Kapchorua Farm Manager
The conditions for tea growing are close to ideal on Kapchorua, with the high altitude and cool climate slowing the bush growth and concentrating nutrients in the leaves.

Shop our teas

Fresh, bright and brisk teas straight from our farms.