The Sun Farm

With it’s proximity to the equator and high level of solar radiation, Changoi was chosen to be the first farm to have a solar photovoltaic system installed. Currently the largest solar park in East Africa, Changoi’s factory is now powered entirely by renewable energy during the day making, for truly sustainable ‘solar tea’!


Our Changoi farm creates a multilayered tea that has brisk, graceful flavours and a hint of sweetness, whilst maintaining a delicate richness.
Strong, brisk and coloury


A tropical climate with temperatures ranging from 8-29 degrees. Atmospheric bright sunny mornings and rainy afternoons.


Vervet Monkeys, Skipper Butterflies, Black Backed Jackals and Wild Magnolia.


Well drained, dark red acidic soils developed on igneous rock.
“By farming in a way that is sensitive to the land we can be confident in the integrity and quality of our teas”
Changoi Farm Manager
As pioneers of renewable solar energy in East Africa we have seen a huge reduction in our Carbon Footprint through harvesting the sun to power our factory.

Shop our teas

Fresh, bright and brisk teas straight from our farms.