We are so thrilled to have received the news that our customers have helped save the life of this baby elephant. As many of you know with each elephant caddy sold £1 is donated to the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust to perform their life saving and vital work.
The continuing drought in Kenya has caused a scarcity of food and water for the animals, meaning elephants may need to travel huge distances to reach food or water. Young elephants in particular can become weakened by the lack of resources and intensive heat, unable to continue. It is a sad fact that in a situation like this a heart-breaking decision is made by the elephant herd to travel to find sustenance and survival whilst painfully leaving behind loved ones.
The young elephant, exhausted by dehydration and lack of food was found in a collapsed state by rangers alone and almost completely unresponsive. She was immediately administered the life-saving treatment from the DSWT hydrating her and transferring her carefully to the Nairobi nursery. Here she has been slowly regain strength and resilience despite some initial touch and go moments.
Malima in Swahili means “mound” named by the keepers as to how she was found crumbled on a mound of earth. She is now a bouncy, strong and characterful, enjoying her time and company of other orphaned elephants in the nursery. A truly wonderful story of the work that the DSWT do and how proud we are to support them in this.